Length: 45mins*36 Director: 张蠡 Cast: 凌潇肃、何雨晴
电视剧《问天》首次以载人航天、北斗导航、嫦娥工程、空间站研制以及未来火星深空探测等重大工程的发展历程为背景,描绘了近三十年、三代航天人的奋斗群像,通过对航天战线上最普通最平凡的航天人“以小见大、细致精密”的刻画,向观众传递“择一事、终一生”的家国情怀。 The TV series Explore the Cosmos,boldly explore such a grand theme for the first time through a group portrait of nearly 30-year endeavor of three generations of astronauts against the backgroud of the development process of major projects such as manned spaceflight, Beidou navigation, Chang’e project, space station development and future deep space exploration of Mars. Through vivid and meticulous depiction of the most ordinary participants on the aerospace front, the TV series convey to the audience patriotic feelings of those who dedicate their whole life to the cause of their choice. |