CAFF Club is a membership-only club founded by the Committee of CAFF. CAFF Club Members get to enjoy various activities including film screenings, a chance to meet and chat with Chinese American producers, directors, and actors to learn behind the stage filmmaking. Members are also invited to participate in many other events hosted by EDI Media, the founder or CAFF.

Membership Eligibility and Benefits

Platinum Membership $200 per year:

1. CAFF screening tickets discount (original $15, member-only special $10, limit 10 per member)
2. CAFF event tickets at 20% off (limit 2 per member, while supplies last)
3. CAFF Souvenirs x 2
4. CAFF Brochure and Recap Book x 2
5. E-newsletter from CAFF
6. Special gifts/services offered by CAFF sponsors
7. Opportunity to participate in other EDI Media organized events including raffles.


Gold Membership $100 per year:

1. CAFF screening tickets discount(original $15, member-only special $10, limit 10 per member)
2. CAFF event tickets at 10% off (limit 2 per member, while supplies last)
3. CAFF Souvenirs x 1
4. CAFF Brochure and Recap Book x 1
5. E-newsletter from CAFF
6. Special gifts/services offered by CAFF sponsors
7. Opportunity to participate in other EDI Media organized events including raffles.


Standard Membership $50 per year:

1. CAFF screening tickets discount(original $15, member-only special $10, limit 10 per member)
2. CAFF Souvenirs x 1
3. CAFF Brochure and Recap Book x 1
4. E-newsletter from CAFF
5. Special gifts/services offered by CAFF sponsors
6. Opportunity to participate in other EDI Media organized events including raffles.


*Special: register by Nov 30, 2019 to become a Standard Member for FREE; register as a Gold Member for only $50 per year and a platinum member for only $150 per year.
*Complete the membership form and submit payment to enjoy all your membership benefits.
*Memberships are valid for one year and renewable on annual basis.
*CAFF souvenirs, brochures, and recap books are available upon request with CAFF committee.
*For more information, please call (626) 856-3889, CAFF reserves right to final interpretation.